Episode #17 with Nikki Tiedeman: from travel to mindfulness coach — Bec Sands
Episode #17 with Nikki Tiedeman: from travel to mindfulness coach

Episode #17 with Nikki Tiedeman: from travel to mindfulness coach

Episode #17 with Nikki Tiedeman: from travel to mindfulness coach
Bec Sands

Welcome to episode #17 of the Career Pivot Podcast, hosted by Bec Sands. This episode is available on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and Google Podcasts, and if you enjoy it, I would love it if you could please subscribe and leave me a review.

In today’s podcast episode, I interview Nikki Tiedeman, Founder of Slow Coaching Co. and a mindfulness slow-life coach, meditation and yoga teacher who works with successful professionals and solopreneurs who are ready to quit burnout and busy. She enables them to slow down, regain balance, their connection to self and shift from 'just' surviving to thriving in life.

Nikki began her career in the travel industry before pivoting into her own coaching business.

Show Notes

1:32 Nikki’s career journey and the catalyst that made her want to pivot

3:30 The type of work Nikki is doing now

4:00 When you land your ‘dream job’ and it turns out NOT to be that

5:46 How Nikki gained the courage to leave an established career in travel to launch her own coaching business

8:00 What Nikki did when her mental health started being impacted by the work that she was doing and how this catapulted her towards a new plan

12:30 How the universe will support you and give you what you need to make the change

15:00 The one driver that Nikki has had throughout her entire working life

15:30 What Nikki did next when she realised she was burnt out

17:30 Nikki’s advice about the next steps to pivot your career in the best state of mind possible

19:00 How to surrender and trust that you’re on the right path can support you in your career pivot - especially when you’re used to controlling things in your career

21:05 What to do if you’re currently in a toxic workplace or feeling burnt out in your career

22:00 Why gradual change in your career can be so good vs fast, radical change

24:16 The ONE piece of advice that has made a huge impact for Nikki in her career pivot

26:13 Three books that have made a huge impact for Nikki in her career pivot

Additional links:

Website: slowcoachingco.com

Instagram: @slowcoachingco

📸 Image: @oakstreetimages

Further resources:


Kemi Nekvapil - Raw Beauty

Sarah Davidson - Seize the Yay

Danielle LaPorte - Desire Map

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