Episode #13 with Yolanda Finette: from 25 years in family servicesto holistic life coach & consultant

Episode #13 with Yolanda Finette: from 25 years in family servicesto holistic life coach & consultant

Welcome to episode #13 of the Career Pivot Podcast, hosted by Bec Sands. This episode is available on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and Google Podcasts, and if you enjoy it, I would love it if you could please subscribe and leave me a review.

In today’s podcast episode, I interview Yolanda Finette, a proud Aboriginal, African American and Greek Woman who is passionate about facilitating a shift that supports Black, Indigenous & People of Colour to open up to their power, purpose and potential.

 Yolanda spent 25 years in child, youth and family services before pivoting to become a certified holistic life coach, consultant and wellbeing facilitator.

She is also a fellow Certified Beautiful You Coaching Academy coach!

Show Notes

1:35 Where Yolanda started out in her career, and why she pivoted

2:19 The catalyst that gave her the momentum to make a big change in her career

4:20 How Yolanda got clarity and took the first steps from where she was, to where she wanted to go - including some of the challenges such as walking away from a management-level income

5:15 What it took to make the big change in her career - and some of the steps Yolanda took to find clarity and bring her vision to life

7:30 How Yolanda supplemented her income with consulting while she was studying for her career change

8:02 The steps Yolanda took to bring her new business into reality

10:34 Some of the biggest challenges Yolanda faced when starting out in consulting and coaching as well

11:20 The skills Yolanda learnt when starting out in business

14:30 The ONE thing that Yolanda has found is key to start and grow a business

16:40 How reaching out to other coaches supported Yolanda in building her business and learning new things she needed to know

18:30 Some of the best things Yolanda has found about working for herself and having a business

20:35 The incredible work Yolanda does to support Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in the community including entrepreneurs

23:30 Yolanda’s recommendations for next steps if you’re considering a career pivot

29:30 What you can focus on instead of HOW your career pivot is going to exactly roll out

30:40 One book that made a huge difference for Yolanda in relation to her business and career

32:00 Yolanda’s advice for anyone considering a career pivot or starting a business

Additional links:

The Alchemist, Paulo Coehlo

Find out more:

Yolanda Finette


📸 Image: Mikaela Egan

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