Episode #14 with Bec Sands: from 12 years in corporate to online coaching & consulting business

Episode #14 with Bec Sands: from 12 years in corporate to online coaching & consulting business

Welcome to episode #14 of the Career Pivot Podcast, hosted by Bec Sands. This episode is available on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and Google Podcasts, and if you enjoy it, I would love it if you could please subscribe and leave me a review.

In today’s podcast episode, I discuss MY career pivot journey from 12 years in corporate PR, marketing and communications to creating a six-figure online coaching and consulting business. I’m Bec Sands, the host of the Career Pivot Podcast, career pivot coach and senior freelance PR and marketing consultant. I work with professional women to pivot into careers or businesses they love. I also work with professional women to launch online consulting businesses using their existing skills through my course, Online Consulting Kickstart. I can’t wait for you to dive into my story and I hope I can inspire you with what’s possible for you too!

Show Notes

0:48 How I went from a 12-year career in PR, communications and marketing to starting my own freelance coaching and consulting business, and how I’ve managed to create a six-figure business and replace my corporate income

1:49 How it all started - from a degree in Media majoring in PR and journalism to stepping into my field, growing my career and realising I wanted something more

2:46 No matter what your background or professional expertise, this is ONE piece of advice you don’t want to miss that you can take with you on your next career pivot

3:40 Five years into my agency PR career, I knew that I needed to make a massive change so I stepped back to figure out my next pivot. This is what I did next!

4:30 What I learnt from having a lifestyle blog for two years and how it introduced me to the coaching community… Which led me to my current business

5:46 How I started surrounding myself with like-minded people who wanted to create things in the world

7:36 One of the biggest lessons I learnt early on about getting things done and creating new things in the world

8:40 How my business, development and ongoing learning helped me to grow my career into leadership positions before I stepped into my own business - providing me with invaluable experience and skills that I continue to use today

9:00 How I started my coaching business as a pro-bono coach when I was in corporate, and how it helped me to refine and hone my offering

9:49 How I built my business and did my training on the side for 7 years before stepping into my business full-time

10:30 My number one tip if you’re building your business on the side of a full-time role

11:10 How growing a business on the side of a corporate role will elevate your performance

12:24 My thoughts and experience with confidence - both developing confidence in your career and as a business owner

13:19 The one thing you can do to succeed, even if your new career or business feels SO far away right now

13:38 The way to create an enertically aligned business that you can stick with

14:15 Some of the biggest challenges I faced when starting my business

15:14 How you can start to create an abundance mindset - and why this is so important

20:38 My tips on finding your first paying clients if you’re starting an online coaching or consulting business

22:09 What to do if you have TOO many clients or too much work… It’s a good problem to have, but still a problem!

23:17 How to manage your time and remain productive even when you’re working for yourself… From home

25:30 Strategies that have helped me to maintain an abundance mindset and grow my business - and how you can too

30:50 How I work with and support my clients

Additional links:

Online Consulting Kickstart - launching again mid-2021!

Find out more about working with me 1:1 in my 4-month Career Pivot Coaching series

Connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn

📸 Image: Rowena Clarke

Sign up for Bec’s free weekly newsletter for more tips on how to find clarity and pivot your career.

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