How to use creativity to drive business results

I believe every single person is creative in some way.

But we need to also foster this creativity, just like anything we want to hone and refine.

Creativity needs to be practiced regularly if we want to get good enough at it to be able to leverage it in our businesses.

When I think about creativity, I think about creating something from scratch. That could be a piece of writing; an artwork; a business; an essay; a book; a song; a speech; a podcast; a course; a presentation; and so much more.

Tools I love to move through work-related stress & anxiety

I have never met anyone who has a BIG career or business that hasn't gone through some form of stress and anxiety to get there. That's not to say that you have to experience that long-term - in fact, the opposite is true, because one of my core beliefs is that I ALWAYS come out the other side of stress and anxiety. The question is, how fast, and with how much ease? Today I want to share with you some of my favourite tools to support this.